Saturday 4 January 2014

Final Typography Poster

For my final poster I chose 5 fonts to use for the background text. I chose Arial Black, Marker Felt, Harrington, Playbill and Onyx. These are all noticably different fonts with no similarities. This means the negative space will vary throughout the whole background due to the different sizes and weights. Although the background text took a while, the scaled design on layout paper helped me make the design quicker because everything was spaced out correctly so all I had to do was draw rulers and copy the placement of the logo and dates etc.

I made the opaqueness of the V&A logo 70% so it gives it a more subtle effect and although its still easily visible, you can read the 'club to catwalk' text through it. This also demonstrates 'overprinting' which was a term in the definition booklet.

The glow effect on the word exhibition is inspired by a photo of the 'BLITZ' club sign I found during research which had neon lights outlining the text.

I chose to use blue and white because when looking at existing typography posters one that used these colours caught my attention most. I chose the blue for my background, then used my colour theory to choose the lighter shade for my background text.

Overall I am pleased with the outcome as I think it conveys the information clearly yet in a unique way. I think my research can be seen in this final piece. For example David Carson inspired me to overlay type and have type on a background of type. Also existing typography posters inspired me. Images such as the ones below show various typefaces and font sizes arranged together to form a bigger picture. I put my twist on this and used this for my background. This is because I liked the unorthodox negative space it creates which is far from typical. Wolfgang Weingart/New Wave also inspired my final piece as it features "typography that actively defies strict grid-based arrangement conventions. Characteristics include inconsistent letterspacing, varying typeweights within single words and type set at unusual angles." For example some text is horizontal and some is vertical, and typeweight is varied, much like in the existing poster I looked at.


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