Thursday 16 January 2014

Existing Characters

Here are some images of characters that are made from things that are recyclable or just objects. I will take inspiration from these when designing my 3D character.

This machine has a rusty look to it, it doesn't look new at all. However if I used this style it will emphasize to kids that even if something is old and rusty it can still be used. Also this character crushes and compresses rubbish so it takes up less room in land fill, clearly shown in the picture. A character that demonstrates something benefiting the environment would be positive and effective.

Blur-Coffee and TV music video
This video shows the milk carton and rusty can getting kicked across the pavement in this music video. The fact that everyday rubbish has been given eyes and a mouth can make people almost think 'rubbish has feelings too' and therefore think twice about throwing it/kicking it on the floor and recycle it instead.

Michelin Man
This character is made from the product which promotes it. I could do this with my character by incorporating a solar panel or wind turbine onto my character so it has a purpose as well and promotes what it actually does.

 Tin Man from the Wizard of Oz
This character doesn't look friendly or welcoming but creepy and is also holding an axe. However from this character I will take inspiration from the joints. For example the elbow and shoulder has smaller overlapping bits of metal to allow movement. This gives a similar effect to the bendy bit on a straw. This will come in handy as tins/cans are likely materials that will be used for my character.

 Bill and Ben the flowerpot men
What I like about these characters is that the main body is made of a plant pot which is then used again for the legs, just much smaller and stacked on top of each other. This makes it relevant and also flexible. I will use this idea in my design ie using the same object in different sizes.

Bender from the TV show Futurama
Something that I have taken from this character is the compartment on the stomach.  I could incorporate something like this on my design as it allows the children to interact with the character which is always beneficial. For example the character asks a child to get something out the compartment to help with an activity.

 Dusty Bin from the game show 321
I like this character as it has a big smile which will rub off on the children and make him likable. Also it is a bin with a removable lid. This could be good on my character as it allows children to put rubbish in which means interaction.

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