Wednesday 12 February 2014

Presentation Slides

Final Poster

Here is my final poster. The first image is the poster before any interaction. The second image shows the tabs lifted up. The third image shows the answers correctly stuck to each question. Overall I am pleased with the outcome of my poster. I feel the illustration is simple and easy to understand. I like the recycling logo as it is very recognisable and will emphasise that the water cycle is a form of recycling. Also the illustration on the poster goes in a clockwise motion matching the recycling logo. 
I think the title stands out well in yellow, and also matches the small yellow island. I previously had the title in the same purple and red used for the tabs but this meant it blended in too much and the purple and red on the page was too overpowering. I like the font used for the title and answers as its quite cool but still easy to read.  I think the font used for the questions is successful as it is easy to read for all ages.  The hierarchy from the title to the answers to the questions is effective and highlights the importance of each. Also I think the two tiers of questions using different vocabulary complexity will be effective and involve a larger audience.

Tuesday 4 February 2014

Poster Development

First I experimented with the shape of the actual poster with a quick rough design on. I varied between a standard rectangle with sharp edges to smooth curvy shapes and relevant shapes like a cloud.

I then went into a bit more detail on these shapes. For example roughly planning where arrows and text could go. From the start all my designs are similar (ie have the land on the right). This is because the water CYCLE actually goes clockwise around the page and is therefore much easier to understand.

Here is a more complex design that involves interaction as well as being just a poster. It involves children taking part in making the water cycle occur.

Here are some more detailed features on the poster.

(originally I chose to use 'Bangla Sangam MN' but later changed this to 'Myriad Pro')

 Here I experimented with fonts for the Heading/Subheadings. I chose to use the bottom font (Hobo Std) as it is easy to read, yet a bit quirky and not boring. Also it is sans serif making it easier to read for young children and is a curvy smooth font which is more appropriate for kids.

Here is the body copy that I created by combining all my researched definitions/explanations and putting it in my own words and simplifying it.

The sun heats the water. This turns it into water vapour, which is a gas we can’t see. The gas floats into the sky. This process is called...EVAPORATION

Water also escapes from plants due to the suns heat. This has a small contribution to evaporation. This process is called...TRANSPIRATION

The sky is cooler. This turns the water vapour back into a liquid making a cloud. This process is called...CONDENSATION

When the cloud is full of water, it is really heavy. This is when the water falls to the ground as rain or snow. This process is called...PRECIPITATION

Most of the rainfall flows off the surface, like down hills, until it reaches a stream, lake or the sea. This is called...SURFACE RUN-OFF

The rain that has fallen goes into lakes, streams and seas. This is known as...COLLECTION

However, some water soaks into the soil and underlying rock and finds its way back to the sea as ground water. This process is called... INFILTRATION

This is my final illustration for the background of the poster. I will mac this up for my final design and combine all the features seen above.

Trip to Green Dragon Eco Centre

Although the Eco Center is not in business and isn't even built yet, we went to look at the progress made since last year and what the owner was planning to accomplish. Since last year he has built a large wood building which will be the cafe, art exhibition, and a place for information. Although this is just an empty building it was clear what he wanted to get across:
  • The windows had the FSC logo on meaning the wood had come from a sustainable source. 
  • Some wood was second hand. 
  • Solar panels can be seen on the roof which create energy from a renewable source.
  • Upstairs there is up to 500ml of insulation which means no heating will be needed up there as the heat from a natural wood geo burner will warm this area.

This is taken from the upstairs of the new wood building. He plans to involve this pond in activities as it is home to lots of nature.

This will be the car park.

This another building which will be refurbished and turned into a children's play area.

Here are some pictures of the mood boards he had. They include ideas, existing leaflets etc and other things that inspire his plan. This will help me understand what he wants to accomplish.

Here are some information boards he got for free from the science museum as they were throwing them away. This emphasizes how he is re-using things.

Here some boards that he already has made for a gardening class that he is already running.

This is the logo he has at the moment however our character doesn't have to replicate this.

These are some ideas of some badges he wanted to create for after children complete activities. This cartoon style shows us what target audience he has in mind.

Here are loads of characters he has created himself out of rubbish and recycled materials.