Tuesday 4 February 2014

Trip to Green Dragon Eco Centre

Although the Eco Center is not in business and isn't even built yet, we went to look at the progress made since last year and what the owner was planning to accomplish. Since last year he has built a large wood building which will be the cafe, art exhibition, and a place for information. Although this is just an empty building it was clear what he wanted to get across:
  • The windows had the FSC logo on meaning the wood had come from a sustainable source. 
  • Some wood was second hand. 
  • Solar panels can be seen on the roof which create energy from a renewable source.
  • Upstairs there is up to 500ml of insulation which means no heating will be needed up there as the heat from a natural wood geo burner will warm this area.

This is taken from the upstairs of the new wood building. He plans to involve this pond in activities as it is home to lots of nature.

This will be the car park.

This another building which will be refurbished and turned into a children's play area.

Here are some pictures of the mood boards he had. They include ideas, existing leaflets etc and other things that inspire his plan. This will help me understand what he wants to accomplish.

Here are some information boards he got for free from the science museum as they were throwing them away. This emphasizes how he is re-using things.

Here some boards that he already has made for a gardening class that he is already running.

This is the logo he has at the moment however our character doesn't have to replicate this.

These are some ideas of some badges he wanted to create for after children complete activities. This cartoon style shows us what target audience he has in mind.

Here are loads of characters he has created himself out of rubbish and recycled materials.

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